
SOALAN BOCOR ; gerak gempur sains pmr for dummies ,

wokehh ,

ni haa .
Q ; penyakit apa yg akan berlaku kpd kanak2 jika kekurangan :
  • vitamin A ; Night Blindness
  • vitamin C ; Scurvy
Q ; dia ada pyramid of food , so 2nd from top jawapan dia :
= protein

Q ; ok , korng baca about ears and their function .

Q ; tajuk menstruation . so the answer for :
a ) menstruation phase
b ) dia ada tulis 'jika menstruation berlaku pada 20th , bilakah dia akan berakhir'
c ) fertilisation will occur

Q ; image 'thermos' , why water inside thermos are always warm (shiny surface) ?
= because heat are beeen reflected by shiny surface so the
water inside thermos are always warm .

Q ; why water increase when the fire inside the gas jar extinguish ?
= 20% oxygen in the gas jar is used up during burning .
water rises one-fifth up the gas jar .

haaa wokeeh , somethng like tht laa .
ok , say thnks to Amer .

hee , welcome welcome (:

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